May 10, 2023
1. Club members and their families shall be entitled to the use of the Club and all its facilities at the board’s discretion. A members' family within the meaning of the rule shall be all persons residing in the immediate household of a member, including single persons under age 21 living at home or an unmarried full-time student under age 24, taking at minimum 12 course credit hours. Transcripts may be requested to verify membership eligibility.
2. A member has the privilege of inviting non-resident guests at all times.
3. Members are privileged to entertain resident guests for meals at the Club House an unlimited number of times when such entertainment does not interfere with normal use of the House by other members.
4. All guests must be accompanied by the inviting member, or one of his or her immediate family entitled to the privileges of the Club.
5. Members are entitled to the use of the Club for private parties upon application made to the House Committee at least two weeks in advance of the date requested, subject to the following provisions:
a) Private parties may not be arranged for less than 12 persons. For such parties the Manager will establish rates in an amount sufficient to defray the cost of such parties with additional utilities, labor, janitor service, prorated maintenance charges and such other items as may be indicated by the nature of the party.
b) Regulations pertaining to guest eligibility are not in effect for such parties. The host or hostess shall remain on the premises until all guest have departed.
c) All parties will be considered in the order in which they are received.
d) Members and their guests shall have access to the Club during the time it is open irrespective of private parties that may be in progress.
6. Member's children under 12 years of age are not permitted to use the Club House when not in the immediate care of an adult member or authorized guest. Member's children over 12 years of age are .permitted to use the facilities of the club unescorted by an adult.
7. The playing of games of any kind on the property of the Club shall be regulated by the House Committee, which shall have the power to prohibit the playing of any games that may seem inappropriate or prejudicial to the interest of the club.
8. There will be a five dollar fee for any non-member playing bridge at the Club House on Ladies' Day. The fee may be charged on a member's ticket or may be paid in cash.
9. Any property of the Club broken or damaged by a member or guest shall be paid for by the member.
10. There will be no service of food or drinks in the Club House on Mondays, except by special arrangement. During the hours the Club House is open, all food and drink consumed on the premises must be purchased from the Club.
11. Clean, proper attire will be worn in the Club House. No cut-offs, gym shorts, or swimming suits will be allowed. No sleeveless shirts shall be allowed on men or boys. Shoes must be worn in the Club House (no socks only).
12. All events occurring at the Club shall be profitable to the Club if participants in the events are not members of the Club.
13. If a former member of the Club has moved away from the Artesia area, they may rejoin at any time with no penalty.
14. Any former member applying for membership who still has outstanding debts to the Club may not be considered for reapplication until all past due bills are paid.
15. There will be no card playing of any kind in the bar by anyone on any day during the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to allow for the serving of food and drink during lunch time and the cleanup thereafter.
16. A member who drops or cancels his membership cannot rejoin for a period of twelve months from the date of cancellation. This rule does not apply to transfers of memberships.
17. A fee of $250.00 will be charged for membership transfers.
18. Servers have authority to refuse service to any person who is obviously intoxicated.
19. Member Misconduct Policy: Voting on reprimand, suspension, or expulsion a quorum of seven ACC directors is as by-laws dictates.
a) Any verbal abuse, obscene gestures, rude or unbecoming behavior toward staff members will be reported to the directors and the directors by majority vote will determine what course of action to be taken reprimand, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion from ACC. Repeated offense will result in permanent expulsion from ACC.
b) Physical abuse to any staff member will result in automatic expulsion and termination from ACC.
c) Any verbal, obscene, or physical altercation between members of ACC could result in reprimand, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion.
d) Staff members are defined as house manager, wait staff, cooks, comptroller, greens keeper staff, pro, and pro shop staff.